Freelancer: GabrielGoistais
Report Entry

High end illustration! :)

Hi! This is my proposal, I made a detailed illustration following your concept and requirements, its a full editable and high resolution artwork so if you like it, I can improve all you need, colors, signs, composition, remove the traveler or add another people, change the far background, typography. All you need to make your concept stronger. I hope you like! I´ll appreciate your feedback! Thank you so much!

Contest Entry #167 for                                                 "A Word to the Wise" Cover Art

Public Clarification Board

  • sethdavey
    Contest Holder
    • 6 years ago

    Really cool composition! I love the hills in the background. I feel like the post and signs could be closer up, and I also don't like that the signs are pointing different directions. Because there is a road there, conceptually it is more significant to have them all pointing the same direction. The words are a little hard to see because of the sunset and brilliant skyscape as well.

    • 6 years ago