Freelancer: bakoro
Report Entry


Hello. These are modified versions of a previous entry. Here i opted for a more unspecified form which could take the place of the head. The thing with the head what that i was very central and i needed to subsitute it with something of.. lets say similar qualities. I was pondering the idea of flames as you suggested, but in my opinion, flames are too amorfic to to take the role of a central player especially with the smoke present already in this picture. They are a bit same-ish, and both would work against each other. So, the starting point for those new shapes were helmets. Just don't compare them to one;) it was just an inspiration for the form, so they probably don't look too much helmet like in the end. They still serve the decorative purpose here, but do not inherit the problems of the face.

Contest Entry #79 for                                                 The World of Evendaar Cover

Public Clarification Board

  • evendaar
    Contest Holder
    • 9 years ago

    This is insanely good. Please don't change a thing about the image. The only thing that needs adjusting is the font. I was hoping for something slightly more gothic or strong but not too much. Love, love this!

    • 9 years ago
    1. bakoro
      • 9 years ago

      Im glad you like it. But do you mean the 1st(helmet like oval shape)or 2nd(the "cyclop thingy")? I actually added two jpgs to this entry, not wanting to spam with new ones, and i guess i created some confusion. So will separate it while adding version with new font. Anyway. I would like to know more about the font, by gothic do you mean like the old german font, or gothic like the architecture-slim and high, or gothic as in heavy metal style. Gothic can be confusing sometimes!;)

      • 9 years ago